来自世界各地的学生在莫瑟尔大学找到了第二个家。作为美国最古老、最具特色的高等学府之一,莫瑟尔大学(Mercer University)提供的课程严格,涵盖了本科文科和理科,以及博士学位。美世在亚特兰大梅肯和乔治亚州萨凡纳的12所学校和学院招收了8700多名学生。据《美国新闻与世界报道》报道,美世跻身美国最具价值学校之列,《普林斯顿评论》连续15年将美世列入年度最佳大学指南。
莫瑟尔大学本科国际生入学条件:The following items must be submitte to Mercer University to be consiere for amission:1. Application for Amission,either Mercer’s application or the Common Application,with U.S. $50.00 nonrefunable application fee2. Official seconary school an/or official university transcript(s),translate in English3. A letter of recommenation from an acaemic or personal reference,translate in English4. Course-by-course evaluation of transcripts,incluing grae point average (GPA),complete an forware to Mercer. We will accept evaluations from Worl Eucation Services (WES) or Josef Silny & Associates.5. For stuents whose native language or language of instruction in seconary high school is English,an official SAT or ACT score is require.6. For stuents whose native language or language of instruction in seconary high school is not English,an official TOEFL score of at least 80,with at least 20 on each section,or an official IELTS score of at least 6.5 is require.
Qualifie stuents with scores below the minimum TOEFL or IELTS requirements may be conitionally amitte to Mercer contingent upon successful completion of Mercer University’s English Language Institute (ELI),locate on our Atlanta campus. Placement testing is require upon arrival for conitionally amitte stuents without a TOEFL or IELTS score.
Application ChecklistAll items must be receive before an application ecision can be mae.1、Complete Application Form (The Common Application or the Mercer Application)2、$50 Application Fee (nonrefunable)3、Official SAT or ACT Test Scores*4、Official High School Transcript**5、Letter of Recommenation***6、Aitional Requirements for International Stuents7、Aitional Requirements for Transfer Stuents
*only require if you have complete fewer than 30 college creit hours**only require if you have complete fewer than 60 college creit hours
1、填妥的申请表格(一般申请或莫瑟尔公司申请)2、50元申请费用(恕不退还)3、官方的SAT或ACT考试成绩*4、正式高中成绩单**5、推荐信* * *6、国际学生的额外要求7、转学生的附加要求*只有在你完成了少于30个学分的大学课程后才需要**只有在你完成了少于60个学分的大学课程后才需要
转学生入学条件:You will be consiere a transfer applicant if you have more than 9 semester hours of creit at an accreite college or university. This generally oes not inclue creit from technical or military schools.
1、A complete Transfer Application for Amission. Inicate your esire to stuy engineering on the application.2、A $40.00 non-refunable application fee. Please sen check,money orer,or call for creit car authorization 800-840-8577.3、An official copy of your transcripts from EACH accreite college or university at which you have been enrolle.4、If you have complete less than 30 semester hours of post-seconary creit,you will also nee to submit the following:* An official copy of your final high school transcript.* An official copy of your SAT or ACT test results.These can be on an official copy of your transcript or on a college score report mae by the College Boar or ACT.
In orer to be fully accepte to the Mercer University School of Engineering as a transfer stuent,you must have maintaine at least a 2.50 cumulative GPA (in all attempte courses). While Mercer will review each application on its particular merit,an will consier work experience,length of time since last enrollment,etc.,this minimum GPA is generally require for acceptance.
1、一份完整的转学申请表。表明你想在应用程序上学习工程学。申请费用为40.00美元,不可退还。请寄支票、汇款单,或致电信用卡授权800-840-8577。你的成绩单的正式副本,从每一个认可的学院或大学,你已登记。2、如果您完成的专上课程学时少于30小时,您还需要提交以下材料:*一份正式的高中成绩单副本。* SAT或ACT考试成绩的正式副本。
The school limits enrollment to stuents whose grae point average at the en of their junior year is equal to or greater than 3.2. Stuents must also have the appropriate unergrauate backgroun for the grauate program they select,an must be approve by the epartment chair.
Downloa the application form. The application fee is $75 for all stuents. A checklist of items that must be submitte with your application inclues:
2.Submit the $75 Application Fee (nonrefunable),by Cashier’s Check or Certifie Check mae out to the Mercer University School of Engineering.2、将75美元的申请费(不可退还),通过银行本票或认证支票提交给美世大学工程学院。
3.Submit Your Official GRE Test Scores (verbal an quantitative),School Coe is 5409 (not require for MS in Technical Communication Management applicants).3.提交您的正式GRE考试成绩,学校代码是5409。
4.Submit Two Official Sets of Transcripts from each College or University Attene4.提交每所学院或大学的两套正式成绩单
5.Submit 2 or 3 Letters of Recommenation (two letters of recommenation,one letter of intent,an a resume’ are require for MS in Technical Communication Management applicants)5.提交2 - 3份推荐信(2份推荐信,1份意向书,一份简历)
截止日期:November 1 an April 1 have been establishe as priority ealines for the spring an summer/fall semesters,respectively. For international stuents,the priority ealines are July 15 an March 1 for the spring an fall semesters,respectively. Stuents who submit all of their ocuments for amission by these ates will receive a ecision within two weeks.11月1日和4月1日分别被确定为春季和夏季/秋季学期的优先期限。对于国际学生来说,春季和秋季学期的截止日期分别是7月15日和3月1日。在此日期之前提交所有入学材料的学生将在两周内得到决定。
A vali government-issue passport an a U.S.-issue F-1 Stuent Visa is require for any stuent enrolling at Mercer University who is not a citizen or permanent resient of the Unite States.政府签发的有效护照和美国护照非美国公民或美国永久居民的学生在美世大学就读时,必须持有F-1学生签证。
An I-20 Form is require to obtain the F-1 Visa. The I-20 Form is issue to international stuents who have been aware amission to Mercer. The University has been authorize uner feeral law to enroll non-immigrant alien stuents an to issue I-20 Forms. A Declaration of Finances,in U.S. ollar equivalents,verifying that you have aequate financial resources to cover the costs of attening Mercer University is also require as part of the Visa process.获得F-1签证需要I-20表格。I-20表格是发给美世公司录取的国际学生的。根据联邦法律,这所大学被授权招收非移民的外国学生,并签发I-20表格。作为签证程序的一部分,还需要一份以美元为等价物的财务声明,证明你有足够的财务资源来支付默瑟大学(Mercer University)的学费。
Because this process is lengthy an requires specific paperwork,international applicants are encourage to begin the process early. Stuents shoul submit an application for amission at least three months prior to the intene ate of enrollment to allow aequate time for completion of all necessary paperwork.由于这个过程很长,而且需要特殊的文书工作,因此我们鼓励国际申请者尽早开始这个过程。学生应至少在预定入学日期前三个月提交入学申请,以便有足够的时间完成所有必要的文书工作。