Kew High School
Kew High School has a diverse student community where 41 natio nalities are represented in the population and over sixty overseas students are enrolled, almost all at VCE levels. Our main feeder primary schools are Kew, Kew East, Ivanhoe, Ivanhoe East and Alphington. Demand for places at Kew High School co ntinues to be high although the permanent school buildings can o nly accommodate a finite number. We are finding it difficult to co ntain our overall student population which has now risen from 701 in 1996 to over 1000 students. Enrolments at Year 7 were 200 in 2010.
Due to a distinct emphasis on the im portance of relationships, the creation of shared norms and agreed behaviours and a carefully managed wellbeing structure there is strong understanding a bout how all school community members want to be treated and what co nstitutes appropriate behaviour. As a general rule our students are well-motivated, interested in their studies and feel co nnected to the school.
We have a diversity of staff in terms of age, natio nality and gender. Each year we have been fortunate to be in the position to put on new staff, some of whom are young graduates. There is a willingness to embrace change and see it as an opportunity for growth; an ability to develop positive student-teacher relations; co nsistent approaches to effective pedagogy and a desire for and respo nsiveness to Professio nal learning. Staff are committed to a whole school focus on learning and teaching, receptive to innovation and flexibility and provide students, and each other, with a depth of experience, expertise and enthusiasm.
A focus of our discussions is how we can co ntinue to provide a stimulating and secure learning enviro nment involving a wide network of community partnerships.
All teaching staff have participated in professio nal learning throughout the year such as unpacking the Principles Of Teaching and Learning (POLT) and assessment for, of and as learning. There has been co nsiderable time devoted to coaching and mentoring and the improvement of skills such as listening and questio ning skills, substantive dialogue, the giving and receiving of feedback, reflection and the use of data
基尤中学费用 学费:10年级12,210澳元;11,12年级 13,640澳元校服费用:300澳元,约合人民币2000元左右 Homestay住家费用:250-270澳元/周,约合人民币1600-1700元左右。
师资力量 拥有一支充满激情和经验丰富的教师团队。他们不仅具备专业知识和教学技巧,还注重培养学生的创造力。