Ringwood Secondary College
We are a truly dynamic, vibrant and globally engaged school located at the gateway to the outer eastern suburbs of Melbourne. The website will provide you with a wealth of information a bout the college, its programs, policies, activities and opportunities to be involved as active members of our community.
Our college has a long and successful tradition of academic excellence and innovative learning practices. Our staff take great pride in providing a safe and secure learning environment, whilst at the same time providing a full range of dynamic and challenging academic and extracurricular programs.
Regular updates of this website will keep visitors, and particularly current and prospective parents,in touch with the latest news and excitement of school life at Ringwood.
Our Vision
Ringwood Seco ndary College fosters a learning community that caters for the unique academic, social and emotio nal needs of all our members. It is achieved through:
*Learning to be Yourself
*Learning to Do
*Learning to Think
*Learning to Live Together
Ringwood's core objectives are to ensure that students have all the skills, knowledge and attributes that would be expected after 13 years of schooling, so that their perso nal growth enables them to have the capacity to participate as respo nsible and productive citizens in a global community.
The college focus on improved student learning, enhanced student engagement and wellbeing and successful transitions and pathways is managed through an Accountability f ramework
Internatio nal Students
A globally aware college, Ringwood Seco ndary enjoys a small number of overseas fee-paying students currently from China, Korea and Vietnam. Students mix in a Form Assembly with the college Internatio nal Prefects and refugee students from Burma who are in our bridging program.
Celebrations, activities and mentoring foster harmony and integration. Homestay families are involved in functions and the Internatio nal Coordinator also mentors students, arranges visits and excursions whilst working closely with families.
Exchange students also join for a short period of time from many countries. English as a Second Language is taught and ‘Connect’ leaders also interact to promote engagement.
Overseas trips to Thailand, France and the Performing Arts World Tour cement our place on the global stage. We also enjoy visits from our sister schools – Lycee Tessier in Bitche, France and Mo ntfort College in Chiang Mai, Thailand. In 2008 and 2009 we delighted in the visit to Australia of students from the school Gymnazium and Black Band of Usti nad Orlici in The Czech Republic.Often teachers visit from sister schools in England, and also from Korea, Denmark and China.
Ringwood Secondary College 灵伍德中学是一所大型的公立学校,拥有1840名学生,位于墨尔本东部25公里。致力于鼓励学生积极参与艺术、海外交流、露营与郊游和体育运动。学校亮点包括教育周、乐队和世界巡游、年度表演及丰富的学习科目,其中包括ESL、专业数学、会计、舞蹈、媒体与古典研究。学校通过学生领到、家长委员会和职员奉献,营造出充满活力的师生关系与学习氛围。学校的留学生计划遍布全球,学生之间充满了和谐友爱。